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Runes Indexer

Query Only

The ord canister periodically fetch bitcoin blocks from btc-rpc-proxy since 840000 using http-outcall and resolve all transactions to runes utxos. The main purpose of this canister is providing an online decentralized runes indexer for querying all etched runes assets given a utxo. See how it is used in Omnity.

Canister Id


get_runes_by_utxo(txid: String, vout: u32) -> Result<Vec<RuneBalance>, OrdError>
Retrieve a list of RuneBalance contains information about the balance of the runes associated with a particular utxo from the vout and txid.
Rust Usage Example:
use rune_indexer_interface::*;
let indexer = Principal::from_text("o25oi-jaaaa-aaaal-ajj6a-cai").unwrap();
let (result,): (Result<Vec<RuneBalance>, OrdError>,) = ic_cdk::call(indexer, "get_runes_by_utxo", ("ee8345590d85047c66a0e131153e5202b9bda3990bd07decd9df0a9bb2589348", 0)).await.unwrap();

Sources : RuneBalance OrdError


get_height() -> Result<(u32, String), OrdError>
Retrieve the current block height of the indexer and it is 4 blocks less than the latest height on the bitcoin chain.

Sources : OrdError