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Runes On ICP

ICP -> BTC: For any icrc token (like $BOXY), it is possible to operate 100% premine on bitcoin with a suitable runes ticker and bridge totally supply to icp via Omnity, then connect it up with the icrc token on the icp side.

BTC -> ICP: For any existing runes tokens on bitcoin, it is possible to bridge them to icp by having Omnity create the corresponding icrc tokens on the icp side.

Both of the goals can be achieved by using generate_ticket on each side based on where you want to utilize the runes tokens:

Canister ID
  • For btc to icp, please use generate_ticket from Bitcoin as an transfer operation.
  • For minting runes from icp, please use generate_ticket from eICP with TxAction::Mint.
  • For withdrawing runes from icp to btc, please use generate_ticket from eICP with TxAction::Redeem.
  • For burning runes from icp (the runes tokens will be burnt on the layer 1 chain as well), please use generate_ticket from eICP with TxAction::Burn.




add_runes_token(args: AddRunesTokenReq) -> Result<(), SelfServiceError>
Add new runes tokens token.

Sources : AddRunesTokenReq SelfServiceError



get_total_tx() -> Result<u64, OmnityError>
Get the total number of transactions on Omnity. 

Sources : OmnityError


query_tx_hash(ticket_id: TicketId) -> Result<TxHash, Error>
Query the transaction hash for the ticket_id.

Sources : TicketId TxHash Error


get_self_service_fee() -> SelfServiceFee
Obtain the fees for adding both a chain and a token.

Sources : SelfServiceFee


get_chains(chain_type: Option<ChainType>, chain_state: Option<ChainState>, offset: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<Chain>, Error>
Specify filters to narrow down the list of chains based on the chain_type and chain_state and manage pagination by providing an offset and limit.

Sources : ChainType ChainState Chain Error


get_chain(chain_id: String) -> Result<Chain, Error>
Retrieve the metadata for the chain_id.

Sources : Chain Error


get_tokens(chain_id: Option<ChainId>, token_id: Option<TokenId>, offset: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<TokenResp>, Error>
Specify filters to narrow down the list of tokens metadata based on the either ChainId or TokenId and manage pagination by providing an offset and limit.

Sources : ChainId TokenId TokenResp Error


get_fees(chain_id: Option<ChainId>,token_id: Option<TokenId>,offset: usize,limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<(ChainId, TokenId, u128)>, Error>
Specify filters to narrow down the list of fees based on the either ChainId or TokenId and manage pagination by providing an offset and limit.

Sources : ChainId TokenId TokenResp Error


get_chain_tokens(chain_id: Option<ChainId>,token_id: Option<TokenId>,offset: usize,limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<TokenOnChain>, Error>
Specify filters to narrow down the list of token amount on a chain based on the either ChainId or TokenId and manage pagination by providing an offset and limit.

Sources : ChainId TokenId TokenOnChain Error


get_tx(ticket_id: TicketId) -> Result<Ticket, Error>
Retrieve the metadata for the transaction using the TicketId.

Sources : TicketId Error


get_txs_with_chain(src_chain: Option<ChainId>, dst_chain: Option<ChainId>, token_id: Option<TokenId>, time_range: Option<(u64, u64)>, offset: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<Ticket>, Error>
Retrieve a list of transactions based on src_chain, dst_chain, token_id, time_range and manage pagination by providing an offset and limit.

Sources : ChainId TokenId Ticket Error


get_txs_with_account(sender: Option<ChainId>, receiver: Option<ChainId>, token_id: Option<TokenId>, time_range: Option<(u64, u64)>, offset: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<Ticket>, Error>
Retrieve a list of transactions based on sender, receiver, token_id, time_range and manage pagination by providing an offset and limit.

Sources : ChainId TokenId Ticket Error


get_txs(offset: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<Ticket>, Error>
Retrieve all historical transactions from the start.

Sources : Ticket Error


get_chain_metas(offset: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<ChainMeta>, Error>
Retrieve all chain metadata and manage pagination by providing an offset and limit.

Sources : ChainMeta Error


get_chain_size() -> Result<u64, Error>
Get the total number of chains on Omnity.

Sources : Error


get_token_metas(offset: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<TokenMeta>, Error>
Retrieve all token metadata and manage pagination by providing an offset and limit.

Sources : TokenMeta Error


get_token_size() -> Result<u64, Error>
Get the total number of tokens on Omnity.

Sources : Error


sync_ticket_size() -> Result<u64, Error>
Get the total number of transactions on Omnity.

Sources : Error


sync_tickets(offset: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<(u64, Ticket)>, Error>
Retrieve all ticket data and manage pagination by providing an offset and limit.

Sources : Ticket Error


get_pending_ticket_size() -> Result<u64, Error>
Get the total number of pending tickets on Omnity.

Sources : Error


get_pending_tickets(offset: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<Vec<(TicketId, Ticket)>, Error>
Retrieve all pending ticket data.

Sources : TicketId Ticket Error




generate_ticket(args: GenerateTicketArgs) -> Result<(), GenerateTicketError>
Generate an cross-chain transaction from the bitcoin network on Omnity.

Sources : GenerateTicketArgs GenerateTicketError

Rust Input Example:
# The amount is multiplied by the decimals of the runes(e.g. $HOPE•YOU•GET•RICH has two decimal so the input will be 10*100).

let args = GenerateTicketArgs {
target_chain_id: "eICP".to_string(),
receiver: "hijd3-ferev-ybojm-nailk-pdk3t-l2h3o-h6cdy-mfynr-p3oen-d67mg-5ae".to_string(),
rune_id: "HOPE•YOU•GET•RICH".to_string(),
amount: 1000,
txid: "6368ec94cfd560d5f3b9656ad142422080dede78d4b8e0afa9228351988778ee".to_string(),


1. Get the bitcoin deposit address from get_btc_address by providing the target chain id and the receiver address as a derive path. And this bitcoin deposit address is owned by the bitcoin customs canister. Get the send input from the UI provided by the user, and pass it to a web service to format the wrapped transaction, the UI will then bring the formatted transaction to call the wallet api to sign the transaction and return the tx-hash as a txid.

2. Put the txid as one of the parameter into generate_ticket from your dapp( either in Rust or Typescript ):

  • omnity-interoperability is the rust implementation of Omnity protocol. And you can find the detail of generate_ticket in it.

3. Go to Omnity Explorer to track the generated ticket status.



release_token_status(ticket_id: String) -> ReleaseTokenStatus
Returns the status of the runes tokens withdrawal operation:
* Confirmed(String) represents the operation is succeeded with the transaction hash on bitcoin network.

Sources : ReleaseTokenStatus


get_btc_address(args: GetBtcAddressArgs) -> String
Generate a bitcoin address using the target chain and receiver as the derivation path, and use it as the token locking account.

Sources : GetBtcAddressArgs


generate_ticket_status(ticket_id: String) -> GenTicketStatus
Retrieve the status of ticket_id generation operation.

Sources : GenTicketStatus


get_runes_oracles() -> Vec<Principal>
Get the list of runes oracles canister ids.

Sources : Principal


estimate_redeem_fee(arg: EstimateFeeArgs) -> RedeemFee
Get the estimated fee needed for redeeming chain_id on bitcoin network.

Sources : EstimateFeeArgs RedeemFee


get_chain_list() -> Vec<Chain>
Retrieve a list of chains that connect with the bitcoin network.

Sources : Chain


get_token_list() -> Vec<TokenResp>
Retrieve a list of tokens available on the bitcoin network.

Sources : TokenResp




generate_ticket(args: GenerateTicketReq) -> Result<GenerateTicketOk, GenerateTicketError>
Generate an cross-chain transaction from icp network on Omnity.

Sources : GenerateTicketReq GenerateTicketOk GenerateTicketError TxAction IcpChainKeyToken

Rust Input Example:
let mint_args = GenerateTicketReq {
target_chain_id: "Bitcoin".to_string(),
receiver: "hijd3-ferev-ybojm-nailk-pdk3t-l2h3o-h6cdy-mfynr-p3oen-d67mg-5ae".to_string(),
token_id: "Bitcoin-runes-HOPE•YOU•GET•RICH".to_string(),
amount: 10000,
from_subaccount: None,
action: TxAction::Mint,

let burn_args = GenerateTicketReq {
target_chain_id: "Bitcoin".to_string(),
receiver: "bc1qh8u0gpw2ze6qdeltnknxmyk8wpqnpmtr8ph9nc".to_string(),
token_id: "Bitcoin-runes-HOPE•YOU•GET•RICH".to_string(),
amount: 10000,
from_subaccount: None,
action: TxAction::Burn,


1. The operation will be executed on icp based on the TxAction, for example, for TxAction::Redeem, on the icp side, the corresponding wrapped icrc runes token will be burned by calling the ledger.approve for the user, and from the bitcoin side, the ord indexer will verify the user account to see if there is original runes tokens, if so, will transfer from the generated bitcoin account to the receiver account.

2. Put the GenerateTicketReq as a parameter into generate_ticket from your dapp( either in Rust or Typescript ):

  • omnity-interoperability is the rust implementation of Omnity protocol. And you can find the detail of generate_ticket in it.

3. Go to Omnity Explorer to track the generated ticket status.



mint_token_status(ticket_id: TicketId) -> MintTokenStatus
Returns the status of the wrapped token minting operation:
* Finalized { block_index: u64 } represents the operation is succeeded with the transaction block index on the icp.
* Unknown represents the operation is not completed.

Sources : TicketId MintTokenStatus


get_chain_list() -> Vec<Chain>
Retrieve a list of chains that connect with icp.

Sources : Chain


get_token_list() -> Vec<TokenResp>
Retrieve a list of tokens available on icp.

Sources : TokenResp


get_token_ledger(token_id: String) -> Option<Principal>
Get the token ledger canister id based on token_id.

Sources : Principal


get_redeem_fee(chain_id: ChainId) -> Option<u64>
Get the fee information needed for redeeming chain_id on icp.

Sources : ChainId